Saturday, May 16, 2015


Ever seen a student who wishes to secure
admission into a tertiary institution with a plan
to not graduate well?

I am yet to see one but going by the saying:
‘there is nothing new under the sun’, I guess
there is a possibility.

However, for every worthwhile endeavor we
kick start; we most times enter into it with the
desire to end well because not ending well will
definitely mean a waste of our most valuable
resource: our time.

While in school i got course mates who wasted years and left without achieving anything. what a shame.

Students who will graduate well have these 4
essential characteristics in balanced
proportions. Do a self-appraisal and see which
one you need to work at.

1. They Focus on their Academics

Students who will graduate well understand that
the school is first of all an academic institution
before anything else. The school is less of a
social institution compared to the bar or a night
The school system is such that requires you to
attend lectures, study, write tests and exams and
make the required minimum grades before you
can finish happy.

2. They have no problem with

Either blessed with rich parents or relatives,
students who have access to sufficient pocket
money usually find school life easy. And this is
especially true if they have good money
management skills.
Students will often need to buy food, textbooks,
make photocopies of handouts, past questions,
etc. all of which are always necessary and cost
some naira.
Where does this leave students who have little
cash to spend?

3. They are Conscious of Life after

You can easily tell that a student will graduate
well if she is mindful of the future.
They know that the tertiary institution is place
to discover meaningful passion and purpose.
They begin to plan and work toward their
intending careers.
For example, a Marketing student who wishes
to be a great marketer begins to read and follow
the latest marketing trends in addition to what
she is being thought in class.
A university, college or polytechnic student who
does not have a clue of what she desires to do
after graduation is on the path to graduate bad.
If you desire to seek for a job in any institution
begin to make research on the institution,
gather contacts and make connections with
people already within the institution.

4. They Lead a Healthy Student Life

When you go only for academics while
neglecting your social life, you will be referred
to as the ‘brain box with no relational skills’.
When you choose to go all social neglecting your
academics, you will be ‘the most social dude on
campus but spilling over’.
Understand the principle of balance. To
graduate well you must not neglect any aspect of
your student life.


tohan gib said...

Graduation programs are many and we have learned a lot from online resources. This statement ideas are perfect and we can learn a lot to choose subjects.

paulKimson said...

Have a look here we provide you highly satisfactory by written a perfect sample for the students.

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